Tom Brady before he took his talents to Tampa (Photo by Kevin McNamara)
[With the announcement last week that legendary Providence Journal columnist Bill Reynolds is taking his `For What It’s Worth’ column into retirement, KevinMcSports is happy to keep the famed format alive in some small way. We’ve been contacted by an esteemed Rhode Island writer who knows Bunky well, but wishes to remain anonymous. We trust that he will continue hitting many of the same Reynolds themes that we all came to love.]

• So Tom Brady is a Super Bowl champion. Again. Talk about breaking new ground.
• Will the fact that Brady hoisted a seventh Lombardi Trophy in his first season outside of New England light a fire under Bill Belichick? Time will tell but doesn’t Mr. Hoodie always look like he’s sitting on a fire?
• Is it me or did Brady look a little green in the gills after the Buccaneers held a boat parade?
• Who wouldn’t have wanted to be a fly in the wall as the Hoodie watched the Super Bowl?
• The TV numbers might have been down, yet there’s no denying that the Super Bowl is what the World Series used to be.

• Call me old, but I miss the Big East days when coaches like Big John, Louie, and Rollie roamed the sidelines.
• There’s no truth to the rumor that the Independent Man turned down the chance to be R.I.’s next Lieutenant Governor.
• Or that the Red Sox have already ordered the white flag to be waived outside Fenway Park before they’ve tossed a pitch in the old Grapefruit League.
• Is new WPRO sports talk host Kevin McNamara offering a “money back guarantee” in the event his betting locks don’t pan out?
• R.I. sports media was a lot better when Ruthie Polinsky was part of it.
• Line of the Week via Boston Globe scribe Ed Fitzpatrick: “No truth to the rumor that Punxsutawney Phil, varmint-Pa., actually predicted six more weeks of the Raimondo administration.”
• Daily sight on sidewalk these frigid mornings: A man walking his cat on a leash. Honest Injun, Bunky.
• Speaking of cats, a feline getting his tail pulled sounds a lot better than the Weeknd, but that’s just me.
• In case you missed it, Donald Trump is still batting 1.000 when it comes to acquittals.
• Memo to Curt Schilling and Kyrie Irving: Go down to the corner store and buy a clue.
• There are some R.I. high schools I wouldn’t feel comfortable setting foot in unless I had two masks on. Dr. Fauci would be proud.
• Early NCAA Tournament analysis: It’s Gonzaga and Baylor and everyone else.
• The latest craze? Taking your picture after getting vaccinated and posting it to social media.
• Look up unraveling in the dictionary and you’ll see a picture of the Boston Celtics.
• When will the folks at Sportsbook Rhode Island come out with a prop bet for the General Assembly?
• President Biden has been in office for 3 ½ weeks, yet I’ve already lost count of how many executive orders he’s signed.
• Spring training starting the same week as Ash Wednesday? My kingdom for pitchers and catchers with a side of Rice Bowls.
• Only growth industry in these parts looks like the hiring spree at the Rhode Island/Boston Globe.
• This column would have been longer, but I just found out I’m eligible to be vaccinated.